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"In the begining was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God... John 1:1 (NIV)"

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May 03, 2024

THE GOODNESS OF GOD uploads/goodness.jpg From darkness to Light…

He gave me a new Identity
He brought me:
From unloved to Loved
From useless to Chosen
From nobody to Child of the most High
From alone to Belonging
That is the goodness of God

He gave me hope for tomorrow:
From dead to Alive
From shame to New Creation
From lost to Found
From sinner to Forgiven
That is the goodness of God

He opened up my eyes:
From temporary to Eternal
From lukewarm to Decided
From world to Heaven
From being served to becoming a Servant
That is the goodness of God

He fulfilled his promises to me:
From Single to Marriage covenant
From just a girl to Big sister, Mommy & Auntie
From sadness to Happiness
From tears to Joy
That is the goodness of God

2 Corinthians 5.17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:
The old has gone, the new is here!

Ephesians 2.8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from
yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast.

John 3.16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Romans 10.9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe with your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Stay blessed.


This is just me marveling at the goodness of God in my life, he has brought me from darkness to light, I cannot even fully express how grateful I am to Him, the least I can do is surrender my life to Him and praise Him forever and ever more, because he is Lord, he cares for me, He knows what is best for me and He really loves me.




Mar 07, 2024

LOCKED UP uploads/locked-doors.jpg “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

It's something I often joke about
These feelings of pain, sadness, helplessness
They are stored up somewhere inside,
I don't know where exactly,
They are just locked up.

Somehow, when there’s a new one
The store finally opens up
And they all come flooding out
How to push them all back,
Or just totally let them go, I wonder

How I do I let go, how do I forget?
The bad times, hard times, sad times
There are so many good times,
but there are so many bad times too
Dear Lord, how do I let go

When nothing seems to be working out,
when I am in the middle of the storm,
I will always turn to you my Lord Jesus.
Because nothing is new to you,
nothing takes you by surprise.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all
our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort
we ourselves receive from God.
Jeremiah 32:27 “I am the LORD, the God of all mankind.
Is anything too hard for me?

Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible,
but with God all things are possible.”
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not
on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he
will make your paths straight.


I wrote this when someone had broken into our car and stole my bag. The bag had my original national ID and driving permit, I was in a state of confusion, sadness and self-pity, I knew the replacement process was going to be hard and lengthy for me.
I resorted to prayer and asked a few friends to pray with me, I was also reading a book called Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson at the time, I took a stand in faith not to leave home until I got my ID’s back, based on a certain read in the book. After about two days, a good Samaritan picked my bag, she had found on a receipt in the bag so she called my mom’s phone number. I got back my ID’s and praised the Lord. Isn’t the Lord great?




Jan 12, 2024

WHAT A PLEASANT SURPRISE uploads/child.jpg "There’s always something new to discover…"

Wow, I can still surprise myself,
This is actually on a surprising note,
Growing up, I was a very spontaneous person,
Over time, I have become more calculative
I think through things more, what happened to my old self?
But today, I did it, I surprised myself.

I'm still capable of being my spontaneous self,
So, I heard of children’s camp at church and just decided to take my kids,
I took my sweet niece now 4 years old,
two young brothers 5 and 6 years old and my lovely son,
1 year and 9 months old to the camp.
Three days in a row, early morning to evening,
I can't believe I actually did it, not with how much I love my sleep.
I really surprised myself.

I usually like feeling sorry for myself
Also I nearly gave up after the first day.
But I persevered, thought about Mark 10:14-15
where Jesus said let the little children come to me,
so I did it people, I did it.
Meanwhile only the 7 year old seems to have learnt something,
hope the others keep the memories at least.

There were early rainy mornings, organizing clothes,
constant supervision while also wanting them to be able to manage on their own, wow.
But, at the end of the day, I have to say, I actually enjoyed it.
I’m even thinking of changing ministries, from ushering to children's church,
It’s still just a thought.

It reminded me of my old self
Kind of like the story of how I met Jesus
It was an evening after school,
there was a conference at the University near my primary school,
my two sisters and I decided to go, we had a lot of fun,
and accepted Christ as our Lord and savior at the end of the day.
When we got home way past curfew, it was another story altogether,
having to deal with an upset mom, story for another day.
Anyway like I said, I was very spontaneous.

Mark 10:14-16 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will
not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms,
placed his hands on them and blessed them.
Matthew 18:2-5 So Jesus called a child, made him stand in front of them, and said,
“I assure you that unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
The greatest in the kingdom is the one who humbles himself and becomes like this child.
And whoever welcomes in my name one such child as this, welcomes me.

Matthew 18:6 If anyone should cause one of these little ones to lose his faith in me, it would be better for
that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be drowned in a deep sea.
Proverbs 22:6 Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
Psalms 127:3 Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a real blessing.
Ephesians 6:4 Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and
instruction of the Lord.


First of all, allow me to say Happy new 2024 everyone. I pray the blessing of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob over you in this new year. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Today I come excited to share with you my experience with taking my children to children’s camp, Enjoy.



Dear Orlando

Nov 02, 2023

Dear Orlando
uploads/prayer-1.png I'll love you forever.

There's one thing I'm sure about each day that passes,
There will always be this pain and empty space in my heart,
Because when you left, you took a piece of my heart with you,
But I'm glad for this space,
it reminds me of how much I loved you
and all the beautiful and wonderful moments we shared.
I can only pray that you are in a better place.

You were my first brother,
you taught me how to love,
how to look out for my siblings because you always did the same for me.
You were truly one of the most important people in my life,
I'll miss you forever brother.
You had a tough life, you had been through the hardest of times and yet,
you still loved, still fought, still believed in yourself,
I only hope that you believed in the son of God - Jesus Christ also.

I'll love you forever.
That's for sure.
I'll always keep you in my heart.
I'll never forget you, never ever forget you.
I love you Peter, you were truly a rock, till the very end
I now leave you in the arms of our Lord Jesus. Amen.

John 11:25 Jesus said to her, ”I am the resurrection and the life.
The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;
and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.” Do you believe this?
Revelations 21:4 ‘He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain,
for the old order of things has passed away’

Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
John 16:20 You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy.
Romans 14:8 If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord.
So whether we live or die we belong to the Lord.


My step older brother Peter Stanley Ssemakula passed away on 23 October 2022. This is a tribute to him. He was a great person. May his soul continue resting in peace.




Aug 22, 2023

SKY MY LOVE uploads/FreeVector-Sky-Graffiti-Piece.jpg ...giving is a very important virtue, God gave His one and only son Jesus, to die for us and save us all from our sins and from death.

My little boy,
I have a million things to say,
Where to start from,
Maybe your name, Sky, Your dad and I,
We really love nature, God’s creation.
I'm sure you will agree when you see how beautiful the sky is.

Your other name Elmin
Again mom and dad took time to find you a cool nice name with great meaning
So we added mom's name Elizabeth to dad's name Benjamin to get Elmin
You will learn more about these two with time.
We hope you love it.

And for your third name Rugaba
It means giver, you have already given me so much love and joy,
just by knowing you are growing inside me,
God placed you in my womb for a purpose,
giving is a very important virtue, God gave His one and only son Jesus,
to die for us and save us all from our sins and from death.

So first lesson from mommy - may you be a giver.
Give of your love, hope, faith, energy, time, happiness, advice and much more…
in service to others for the glory of the Most High God.
Of course there will be a million more lessons to come.

You have a wonderful amazing family waiting to meet you,
cousins, aunties, uncles, grandparents and even great grandparents,
well aren't you blessed?
Last but not least daddy and mommy can't wait to meet you.
We love you so much little man.

Here is some encouragement my son,
Always lean on God’s word and stand on his promises
Psalms 127:3 Children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring are a reward from him.
Isaiah 54:13 All your children will be taught by the Lord,
and great will be their peace.

Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Proverbs 1:8-9 Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction
and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.
They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.

I love you son.
Love Always,


I wrote this for my son about a month before he was born, I couldn’t wait to meet him, to see how he looked like, I wanted to express how I was feeling in that moment, God is truly amazing, Sky makes two years today and we are truly grateful to God for his life and the little man he’s becoming. Thank you Jesus.




Jul 12, 2023

LITTLE CHILDREN uploads/children.jpg They are our Heritage...

So innocent, humble and loving
Always carefree, imitating and trusting
Only happiness, no worrying
No doubt in their minds that all will be well
No thoughts of anything going wrong
Total opposite of the grown-ups.

It’s up to us to take care of them
How much harder it is lately
With all the social media around
Every child owns a phone or a tab
With free access to the internet
There’s information about everything.

This cannot stop us though
As parents and elders, we need to raise them right
Guide them as they grow up and they will remember our counsel
Show them the right path and they will not depart from it
Be there for them so they can do the same for their children.

Many broken families lately,
Mothers have given up and left their children
Fathers have denied and left their children
Single parenthood is everywhere,
Not because one parent has passed on
But because they gave up and left.

Let us think about the young generation
Let us make decisions with them in mind
Let them not be punished for the mistakes we have made
Let us love them like Jesus did, show them the love
Let them grow up knowing that we love and treasure them.

Jesus tells us to be like little children in order to enter the Kingdom of God.
What does this mean? Be humble, teachable and receptive.
Live in the now, don’t worry about tomorrow, be joyful at all times
Be completely trusting, don’t doubt God or His word
Be pure, truthful and honest, in all you do, spread love.

Matthew 18:2-5 So Jesus called a child, made him stand in front of them, and said,
“I assure you that unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the
kingdom of heaven. The greatest in the kingdom is the one who humbles himself and
becomes like this child.
And whoever welcomes in my name one such child as this, welcomes me.
Matthew 18:6 If anyone should cause one of these little ones to lose his faith in me, it
would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be
drowned in a deep sea.

Proverbs 13:24 If you do not punish your son, you don’t love him. If you do love him you will correct him.
Proverbs 22:6 Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their lives.
Malachi 2:15 Has not the one God made you? You belong to him in body and Spirit. And what does the one God seek? Godly offspring…
Psalms 127:3-5 Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a real blessing.


Our children today make up the generation to come, how we raise them, what they go through, what they think and feel affects what happens in the next generation. Our job is to raise Godly offspring, upright citizens of tomorrow with a high level of integrity. Let’s do this together.



(Holy Spirit)

Jun 08, 2023

(Holy Spirit)
uploads/presence.jpeg You know my biggest fears and flaws, yet you love me still,
You call me to come the way I am, you see the best version of me
You tell me every day that I can be better, and I am better.

There is no other feeling like being in your presence Lord Most High
The feeling of joy unexplainable that flows into my heart
The unstoppable laughter your Spirit bestows upon me
Laughter mixed with tears of joy, it’s simply amazing…..
The wave of peace that I can never experience anywhere else
How great are you Lord.

The feeling of vulnerability and brokenness I get when I’m with you
The openness between us, I share anything and everything without fear of judgment
You know me from the inside out and it’s useless to hide anything from you
You let me pour out my heart, and when am done, you give me comfort
The kind that only you God Almighty can give,
How great are you Lord.

You know all my secrets and you keep them,
You know my biggest fears and flaws, yet you love me still,
You call me to come the way I am, you see the best version of me
You tell me every day that I can be better, and I am better.
I love who I am when I am in your presence.
How great are you Lord.

Your presence gives me knowledge and understanding,
I see things from a different point of view, your point of view
You throw a new light on all the situations in my life.
I always leave feeling better than I came, your Spirit refilled in me
Stronger, wiser, calmer, peaceful, joyful because this is what you do
And it is who you are.
How great are you Lord.

Psalms 16:11 - You will show me the path that leads to life.
Your presence fills me with joy and brings me pleasure forever.
Isaiah 41:10 - Do not be afraid - I am with you! I am your God - let nothing terrify you!
I will make you strong and help you; I will protect you and save you.
Deuteronomy 31:8 - The Lord himself will lead you and will be with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
John 14:16 .And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever- the Spirit of truth.

In Your presence I find countless promises.
I will forever stand on your promises oh Lord.
How great are you Lord.


I wanted to try and put in words how I feel when I’m in the presence of the most high God, when I can feel His Holy Spirit around me, it’s really the best place I could ever be. I talk to him like I would talk to a friend, in fact I consider Him my best friend.




May 17, 2023

TEARS FALL uploads/tear2.png "He will wipe away all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain. The old things have disappeared.” There is hope for all believers, the tears will finally be washed away.

People always come and go
Some impact us in a big way and others not so much
There are a special people that leave a mark on our hearts
These cause us to hold back tears every time they have to leave
It doesn’t matter if it’s for a day or forever, we are saddened to see them go.
Sometimes the tears are those of joy because they are moving on for better,
The tears fall anyway.

Many times we face situations we find hard to share with anyone
These situations leave us feeling totally helpless and weak
They feel impossible and all we can do is cry and hope for a miracle
We find ourselves trying to smile regardless of what is in our hearts
But late in the night when we are all alone,
The tears fall anyway.

A loss of a loved one leads to a lot of confusion and a broken heart
The memories that stay with us do not help the tears
Instead, they always threaten to pour
every time we think about the good times we shared
Of course we will try to appear strong in front of everyone else
But at the end of the day, when no one else is around,
The tears fall anyway.

The pain experienced when a relationship ends is unexplainable
Dating, marriages, friendships, families, business partners and many more
The feeling of betrayal and all the thoughts and the question, “why?”
The absence of an answer literally drives us crazy
It is not our fault but who wants to hear that? We just want it to be over.
The tears fall anyway.

The thoughts about unfair situations in our lives are uncountable
Instances where the unkind, the dishonest get to live great lives
While the kind, the honest and good people go through suffering and live poorly
The orphan, the widow, the widower, the single parent, the loyal partner…
Looking at some of these people’s situations is heart breaking,
We are sad because we have no way to help, we can’t help but tear up
The tears fall anyway.

Feeling like we have failed at something is a sinking feeling,
We cannot explain why, and it doesn’t help when unkind words are being said to us
Harsh words from the people around us scar us to the core
So we get angry in the moment and try hard to hold back the tears
We feel ashamed, insulted, confused and lost for words
The tears fall anyway.

Here is the good news, Revelations 21:3-4 says
“I heard a loud voice speaking from the throne: “Now God’s home is with human beings!
He will live with them, and they shall be his people.
God himself will be with them, and he will be their God.
He will wipe away all tears from their eyes.
There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain.
The old things have disappeared.”
There is hope for all believers, the tears will finally be washed away.


I wrote this as a result of constantly replaying painful moments and situations in my life, feeling helpless for my loved ones who were hurting and I could do nothing to help out, I was literally dying inside, so I wrote it down, here it is, whatever it is you are going through, be strengthened.



(GENESIS 2:24)

Apr 27, 2023

(GENESIS 2:24)
uploads/two.jpg In all truthfulness, the three become one. With Christ at the center. Forever

The anticipation of the day I would leave home was so exciting,
The thoughts about finally being with the one I love were overwhelming.
I counted down the years, the months, the days, the hours, the minutes, and the seconds
Finally, came the opportune moment. Which would lead us to,

We made our vows, to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in
sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.
The crowds went wild, the celebrations went on and the day ended.
We started the journey of where the two become one.

The ones I left behind I loved dearly, parents, siblings, and the sweetest niece ever.
Although, I don’t have to think of them like that, we are still family we are on this journey together still.
I just have to start a new journey with my love and start a family of my own. Be married.

Now, I wake up with my love, I go to sleep with my love.
I don’t have to keep checking my phone for messages to hear from him.
I have him all to myself. What an amazing feeling!
The two really became one.

But come to think of it, it’s really the three become one. How?
Without Christ the marriage is incomplete and will finally fall apart.
Ephesians 5:25 “For husbands this means love your wives, Just as Christ loved the church.
He gave up his life for her”. Marriage has Christ written all over it.
In all truthfulness, the three become one. With Christ at the center.


I wrote this just after getting married, I remember being torn between leaving my family and going to be with the person I love. We made 3 years in marriage this week, we bless the Lord for this far He has brought us.



About Us

The InsideOut blog was started to create a safe space to share things we otherwise would not have shared freely. Our deepest feelings either happiness or sadness, fears, pains, worries, wonders, ideas, dreams, to mention but a few. I realized that bottling up things was not a good solution, it may lead to chronic illness, stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health problems. It is better to put things out there, at least somewhere so I decided to share them here to encourage others who are struggling with opening up to be able to do so.
I also discovered that we have all the answers to the issues we face in the word of God - the Bible. So I use scripture to encourage us or enlighten us in all my pieces. Hope you will have a great time with us here at inside out. Thank you and God bless you.

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